Saturday 1 July 2017

Potassium rich fruits help to lower blood pressure

Potassium-rich fruits that are good for lowering blood pressure 
Everyone should be aiming to eat at least 5 different portions of fruit and vegetables a day to help boost their potassium intake and lower their blood pressure. A portion is 80 grams, or roughly the size of your fist.
The following amounts represent a portion:
  • One medium-sized fruit (apple, orange, pear or banana)
  • Two smaller fruits (plums, apricots, satsumas)
  • One slice of a large fruit (melon, pineapple or mango)
  • Two to three tablespoons of berries or grapes
  • A glass (150ml) of fruit juice
  • One tablespoon of dried fruit
And the great news is that dried and tinned fruits can be just as good as fresh (just watch out that they don't contain added salt, sugar or fats).
All fruits help your body, but some contain more potassium than others, see below.

Fruits that are rich potassium

The following fruits are particularly rich in potassium and may be more helpful in controlling blood pressure:
  • Tomato juice and puree
  • Orange juice
  • Bananas
  • Apricots
  • Currants
To make your fruits even more effective, don't forget to cut down on the amount of salt you are eating. For more help, please see our page on How to cut down on salt.

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